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Legislative Assembly
Country Fire Authority memorial service

20 February 2018
Members statements


Ms McLEISH (Eildon) (14:00:26) — On Sunday I attended a commemorative service at Panton Hill to mark 35 years since the Ash Wednesday fires. Importantly this marked 35 years since the tragic loss of five members of the Panton Hill brigade. Joining the service were representatives of the Narre Warren brigade, which also lost six members in the devastating Upper Beaconsfield fire.

We remember from the Panton Hill Country Fire Authority (CFA) brigade Maurice Atkinson, Stuart Duff, Neville Jeffrey, Bill Marsden and Peter Singleton. The touching service was held at the firefighters memorial park established in honour of those members by their colleagues, friends and families. Time moves on, our pain tends to dull a little, but it is always there, and memories remain etched in detail as evidenced by Neil Marshall's words at the service.

This serves as a reminder that the role of a CFA volunteer and indeed any emergency service volunteer can be perilous. We take it for granted that our volunteers will return home safely. When our volunteer firefighters are out defending life and property, they need to know that their government and their community have their back. The Andrews Labor government's and the United Firefighters Union's continuing attacks on volunteer firefighters are not only demoralising, they are simply dangerous.

Volunteers are critical to Victoria's surge capacity during major bushfires. Without our volunteers, areas prone to major bushfires will be placed in even greater harm's way. In rural communities we respect our CFA volunteers. The Andrews Labor government should do the same. CFA volunteers can be assured that I will always have their backs.