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Legislative Assembly

20 February 2018
Business of the house


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (13:21:24) — This week's government business program protects children, protects public funds and protects our environment. Such initiatives represent another chapter in the story of a big picture government that is getting it done for all Victorians. This is the critical proposition; this is what Victorians are looking for us to do.

I want to commend the Leader of the Government, a minister who has through her career managed many portfolios with great success. I want to not just look at the historical proposition and note and acknowledge it for its significance but also look at the contemporary, so delivering the rail crossing removal and delivering the new above-ground rail line. If we keep going in delivering these strategies, we may end up not only being able to match our commitment but maybe even bettering it. I think that goes to the will and strength of the Minister for Public Transport and Leader of the Government, and that should be recognised —

Honourable members interjecting.

Mr McGUIRE — I know I should not respond to interjections, but there is one railway crossing on Glenroy Road that will be beautifully handled to match the removal in Camp Road. I will take this opportunity to just put that on the agenda. I was not looking for it, but now that it has come up I will put it there.

The manager of opposition business has raised that the opposition wants to work in good faith in debating the Children Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2017. I take him at that proposition. The way in which we have worked now over two parliaments, three Premiers and different administrations to address this critical issue is something that I think we should all continue — the bipartisan approach.

I will just define this bill. Its objectives include providing a legislative basis for government agencies and other service providers to share information, either voluntarily or on request, to promote the wellbeing or safety of a child or group of children. It will also establish an information technology platform called Child Link to enable systemic sharing of information about a child's enrolment and participation in key services that support their wellbeing and safety and to enable governments to create longitudinal child datasets to inform public development and service design.

This could be a really important breakthrough proposition, because we now know what needs to be done after the history of all the inquiries that we have seen on child abuse. We know that the best thing we can do is invest in attitude, education and opportunity. Data sharing provides a way that we can tailor these opportunities for children from whatever background. We know through the social determinants of health and opportunities in life that if you come from a poor background, it is important for us to be able to say, 'Here, we've got a new tool. We'll be able to connect you to greater education and opportunity'. That is an important proposition.

The Audit Amendment Bill 2017 acquits the government's commitment to the former Auditor-General to rewrite and modernise the act to make it more accessible, efficient and effective. The bill also addresses concerns about the Audit Act 1994 raised by the Auditor-General and other key stakeholders in response to the government's discussion paper on the role of the Auditor-General, which was released in early 2016. So that is getting on with that piece of business.

The Planning and Environment Amendment (Distinctive Areas and Landscapes) Bill 2017 will strengthen recognition of the importance of distinctive areas and landscapes, and protect the unique features and special characteristics of such areas, including significant landforms; areas of historical, cultural and environmental significance; natural resources; land productivity; and strategic infrastructure. As the member for Broadmeadows, I look forward to giving a little taste of the history and also the future that we can harness from that incredibly important community.

The Marine and Coastal Bill 2017 addresses similar issues to again enact an election commitment to establish a new marine and coastal act to improve management and oversight arrangements for the marine and coastal environment. This is a suite of policies that are really important to all Victorians.