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Legislative Assembly
Broadmeadows electorate

20 February 2018
Constituency questions


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (12:48:30) — (13 995) My constituency question is to the Minister for Health. What funding is Broadmeadows receiving from the Health Service Violence Prevention Fund? The Victorian government established this fund as part of its commitment to address violence in healthcare settings and to reduce violence against hospital staff. This would be particularly relevant for the Broadmeadows Hospital, which I had the honour of opening with the Minister for Health last year.

The Health Service Violence Prevention Fund is being rolled out over four years from 2015–16 to 2018–19, and it includes grants for hospitals and health services, mental health services and ambulance services. Capital works funding will help services respond to violence, security and safety risks, and this will be vital for all of the agencies right throughout my community.