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Legislative Assembly
Broadmeadows electorate

19 June 2018
Constituency questions


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (13:24:33) — (14 562) My constituency question is to the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence: when will Victoria's landmark plan to address the state's biggest law and order issue, family violence, be implemented in Broadmeadows? All reforms in Ending Family Violence: Victoria's Plan for Change are designed to be delivered in partnership with the community and implement the 227 recommendations of Australia's first Royal Commission into Family Violence. This will have a major social impact and complements
the impact of the government's other law and order strategies.

I am delighted to report to the Parliament that new figures show the crime rate in the Hume local government area is down by 8.1 per cent. This underscores the value of the Andrews Labor government's investment in recruiting more than 3000 police officers — Victoria's biggest law and order recruitment drive. Impact on the ground is being felt. I recently visited police officers in the Broadmeadows electorate and can confirm how hard they are working. The effectiveness of their crackdown on crime is being reflected in the latest crime statistics.