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Legislative Assembly

19 March 2019
Business of the house
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (18:02:01): I will be mercifully succinct. This is an important government business program. It looks at the future in an unprecedented way for our infrastructure pipeline, vital to Victoria’s economic development. It modernises how the expenditure of future funds will be improved in our public sector and addresses the concerns of the Auditor-General. It also addresses the open courts issue, overhauling Victoria’s suppression orders to make it clear that suppression orders and closed courts are exceptions to the principle of open justice and should only be made when necessary. This is important for the public’s right to know and availability and access to information. We have more on the response to the Governor’s address, and then we also have one more condolence motion. Given that there is bipartisan support for this I commend the government business program to the house. Motion agreed to.