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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

18 September 2018
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (12:53:15) — (14 982) My constituency question is for the Minister for Health. Minister, I have spoken many times in this place about the pressing need for appropriate cancer treatment services in the Shepparton district. Today I would like to use my last question to ask the minister: will you commit to a comprehensive cancer centre with onsite oncology, radiotherapy and wellness services for our community? I am constantly confronted with stories from people in my electorate who struggle to access radiotherapy therapy services when they fall sick. Last Friday I met with three constituents in Tatura who spoke of the immense challenge of driving to Bendigo for treatment, the toll it took on their health and the burden it places on their carers. Statistics show that distance from services is often a deciding factor in whether people actually choose to take on the treatment that they need. People in so many other regional centres now have full access to a full range of cancer services. People in my electorate deserve the same opportunity.