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Legislative Assembly

18 June 2020
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (22:42): (2692) My adjournment request is for the Minister for Mental Health. The action I seek is an update on how the mental health system is addressing concerns in the electorate of Broadmeadows. The Victorian government has announced a funding increase to support Victoria’s mental health system and ensure Victorians get the care they need as demand for services spikes during the coronavirus crisis. In April the Premier and the Minister for Mental Health announced almost $60 million extra in a package to help meet demand as Victorians seek help for stress, isolation and the uncertainty that has led to anxiety.

While staying at home and practising social isolation is vital to slowing the spread of the virus, it can be difficult for people’s mental health and wellbeing. Almost $7 million will help mental health services deliver support for people with severe mental illness via phone and video to prevent relapse and emergency department presentations. Another almost $7 million will expand online and phone counselling services through Beyond Blue, Lifeline, Kids Helpline and SuicideLine Victoria. This funding will boost the capacity of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council and Tandem helplines, which are also experiencing a large increase in calls.