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Legislative Assembly

17 October 2019
Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (10:05:48): What a fantastic win, with the news of the VCAT decision to refuse the planning application at the old Kealba High School site. I raised this a couple of months ago. This decision comes after months of community campaigning, where I joined the many residents of Kealba to raise the concerns of overdevelopment of this site. Kealba is a special suburb in my electorate and new developments need to fit in with the character and the amenities of the area. Now is a real opportunity for Brimbank City Council to ensure that any future planning has extensive community consultation. A big thankyou to the Kealba Residents Against Over Development campaign and Emma, Andrea and Laura for their great work. I am very proud to have been part of this campaign and will continue to monitor this site.