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Legislative Assembly

17 March 2020
Constituency questions
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (12:54): (2046) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Minister for Road Safety and the TAC. What information can the minister provide on work to improve road connections between Broadmeadows and Campbellfield? Key infrastructure is required to unlock the development potential between Broadmeadows and Campbellfield, one of the biggest areas of industrial manufacturing and employment in Melbourne’s north. Connections need to be improved between the Broadmeadows town centre and the Northcorp industrial area, and the rest of Campbellfield, which of course was the home of the Ford Motor Company and where we have attracted a $500 million investor for new industries and jobs crucial for the potential of these communities. The presence of Pascoe Vale Road and the two railway lines act as a barrier between the east and the west of Broadmeadows. These connections deliver infrastructure that enables employment, and the proposed Merlynston Creek road crossing, linking the old industrial areas with the new, through Belfast Street, Broadmeadows, would be ideal for this proposition.