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Legislative Assembly

15 August 2019
Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (09:55:59): Recently I met with Augustine, Rhanel, Jessica and Samantha from the student leadership team of Catholic Regional College (CRC) St Albans. I had the opportunity to hear their well-researched proposal for students to travel free on public transport. We also had a fruitful discussion in relation to concessions offered for students and the record investment by the Andrews Labor government in relation to public transport and transport infrastructure, in particular in the electorate of St Albans—the level crossing removal at Main Road and Furlong Road, the new stations at St Albans and Ginifer, of course the electrification and duplication of the Ballarat and Geelong lines, and the exciting project of the airport rail link and super-hub station at Sunshine. The electorate of St Albans will not only be connected to Melbourne and regional Victoria but will also be globally connected, about which we are very excited. I want to thank the students at CRC St Albans for meeting with me, and I look forward to hearing much more in relation to their endeavours.