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Legislative Assembly

14 November 2019
Members statements
Paul Hamer  (ALP)


Mr HAMER (Box Hill) (09:58:30): Congratulations to Eloise Scotter and Arielle Von Brunn from Mont Albert Primary School on receiving the Box Hill STEAM Award, an award which recognises students at schools across the Box Hill electorate for their efforts in promoting STEAM among their colleagues. Through their role as school science captains, Eloise and Arielle have worked extremely hard to promote many aspects of the science program across the school. They have attended weekly science club meetings and assisted in set‑up, pack up and the smooth running of experiments during the sessions. Eloise and Arielle have been enthusiastic mentors to younger students during Friday afternoon science lessons, taking time to explain scientific ideas and processes and to help them achieve success in a variety of investigations. Both Eloise and Ariel have a strong interest in astronomy, and I wish them well for their journey through high school.