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Legislative Assembly

13 November 2019
Suzanna Sheed  (IND)


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (19:14:22): (1453) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, and the action I seek is that the minister visit Shepparton to update us on the establishment of the Orange Door and to meet with stakeholders who are involved in rolling out this important initiative. In October 2018 the Victorian government announced that Shepparton had been selected as the next location for Victoria’s new support and safety hubs, known as the Orange Door. The service brings specialist workers from family violence, child and family, and Aboriginal services together as well as services aimed at perpetrators and legal and accommodation advice. Funding for the Orange Door will support one physical location based in Shepparton along with outpost offices and other access points to ensure people across the Greater Shepparton region have access to the service. Our community is looking forward to hearing the details of when the Shepparton district can expect to see this important service up and running.