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Legislative Assembly

12 November 2019
Constituency questions
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (13:09:22): (1419) My question is to the Minister for Health. What is the latest information on delivering the Andrews Labor government’s commitment to provide dental services at public primary and secondary schools and how can this benefit particularly the families of Broadmeadows? The Andrews Labor government is investing in the healthy smiles program, beginning with the rollout of free dental care for Victorian students throughout the state, and this is particularly of relevance to Broadmeadows, which has some of the most disadvantaged communities. We know that this is part of the commitment that I am trying to drive as well on how we address the social determinants of life, which are health and lifelong learning to connect to skills, jobs and opportunity. This is really important for those families to try and have the chance to deny that miser fate.