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Legislative Assembly
Sunshine Hospital

10 May 2018
Members statements


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (10:04:57) — Last week I was pleased to welcome the Premier and the Minister for Health to Sunshine Hospital to see firsthand the progress of our $200 million Joan Kirner Women's and Children's Hospital. I was extremely pleased to hear the Premier announce that Sunshine Hospital will receive $29.6 million in this year's budget to redevelop the emergency department. What this means is 31 treatment spaces, a separate children's section, a medical imaging suite and an expanded administration area. It also includes a new crisis hub, which will take those who are dealing with serious mental health and addiction issues, ensuring that they get specialist care from health professionals. I would like to thank the Minister for Health and also all of the outstanding health professionals at Sunshine Hospital for their care and most importantly for providing care in very challenging times and circumstances. Only Labor builds hospitals and only Labor delivers for the west.