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Legislative Assembly

06 February 2020
Constituency questions
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (11:42): (1834) My constituency question is to the Minister for Education. What information can he provide about the Andrews Labor government’s commitment to expand the school breakfast clubs program, particularly for Broadmeadows? Since its inception it has delivered to 18 schools in my electorate. The research shows that a child’s ability to concentrate in class, self-regulate and learn is diminished if they are hungry. It is as simple as that and as significant as that. One in five Australian students lives in a household without enough food for a healthy, active life. Around 20 per cent of students go to school without breakfast at least once a week, and 15 per cent go to school without lunch. Particularly students from low socio-economic backgrounds suffer more significantly, so that is why this is a really important initiative of this government. It really underscores what the Minister for Education was saying in question time as well: the more we invest in our children to give them the best chance in life, the best opportunity, the more it will help them develop, and it will be better for the future for all of us.