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Legislative Assembly

04 June 2020
Constituency questions
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (11:53): (2586) My constituency question is to the Minister for Training and Skills and Minister for Higher Education. Can the minister explain how the government will upskill people in the Broadmeadows electorate during the coronavirus pandemic and economic comeback? Victorians will continue to get the skills they need for jobs with a $260 million package to support TAFE and the training system. I will link this vital initiative to my constituents through the Broadmeadows Revitalisation Board 4.0. This new initiative will coordinate the three tiers of government, business and civil society, a cause I have pursued for more than two decades. It will also focus on creating jobs in that laser-like way that the Prime Minister also wants to do, so we have now got a unity ticket to deliver it where it is needed most. Australia turns to Broadmeadows in times of existential threats, stretching all the way back to the First World War, the time of immigration with populate or perish and then underwriting prosperity for a world record run. So I look forward to the Australian government recommitting to Broadmeadows and collaborating to deliver these crucial results for Australia’s economic sovereignty and Victoria’s economic comeback.