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Legislative Assembly
Waste management policy

09 August 2017
Members statements


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) — Record funding for the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) and tough new laws highlight the Victorian government's response to the dangers of waste stockpiles, dramatically exposed by the evacuation of more than 100 people from their homes in the Broadmeadows district during the recent toxic fire. The Victorian government has established a task force to target waste sites that pose the greatest threat to the community and the environment after the fire at the SKM Recycling facility at Coolaroo that took three days to contain.

New regulatory controls on recycling facilities will soon be announced to minimise the risk to people's health, adding to the Labor government's investment of $162 million to strengthen the EPA's ability to prevent and reduce harm from pollution and waste. The funding will also help strengthen the EPA's prosecution strategy and support more investigations, environment protection officers and legal staff to hold polluters to account. This is an important response to my call during the Coolaroo blaze for tougher scrutiny, accountability and compliance. The waste management policy will outline requirements for appropriate storage of recyclable materials, require risk assessment by operators and compliance with fire services guidelines.

I would like to acknowledge the coordination and collaboration of all emergency services personnel and the Hume City Council for their response to this emergency. I also want to thank the Premier, the Deputy Premier and Minister for Emergency Services, and the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change for their rapid response, which was quickly appreciated by the Broadmeadows community. The Andrews Labor government is committed to delivering legislation that addresses stockpiling of renewable materials, which is important for all — 

The DEPUTY SPEAKER — The member's time has expired.