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Legislative Assembly

06 September 2017
Business of the house


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) — I would like to commend members for their heartfelt condolences for Fiona Richardson, the late Minister for Women, Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and member for Northcote, and acknowledge the coalition for its cooperation during these exceptional times. It is these exceptional circumstances that have brought us to the government business program and the propositions that are being put today. There are effectively two guillotines, one today and one tomorrow, and that is to help the flow of legislation to the other place. The longstanding objection to the government business program has been noted, along with the list of inquiries that are being undertaken into those issues that have been raised. One of the bills is the Justice Legislation Amendment (Body-worn Cameras and Other Matters) Bill 2017, which fulfils a recommendation of the royal commission. Given the events we have all been put through as a parliament, I think that this is a sensible way of addressing the issues, and with those comments I commend the government business program to the house.