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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

28 November 2017
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (12:49:22) — (13 698) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Minister, can you advise what action is being taken to address the safety concerns of the Strathmerton community regarding the traffic speed restrictions along their stretch of the Murray Valley Highway? Concerns have been raised about the inadequacy of the statewide 40-kilometre school zone period, which does not align with the school bus timetable, meaning children are navigating the highway with vehicles travelling at 80 kilometres an hour. There is also concern about the safety of other community members simply wishing to cross the highway to go about their day-to-day business.

VicRoads traffic monitoring shows this is a very busy highway with many trucks servicing the local agricultural community. Some of these trucks also face challenges turning onto the highway from Numurkah Road, unable to get up enough speed before the cars behind them advance on them.

Minister, the community has been working with the relevant authorities for some time, yet discussions seem to have stalled. I would ask that you make inquiries as to how this dangerous situation can be satisfactorily resolved.