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Legislative Assembly
Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Bill 2017

21 September 2017
Second reading


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) — There has been a fantastic launch this week of the cups carnival here in the Parliament by the racing minister. Of course the Caulfield Cup is one of those prestigious events on the calendar. It brings in so much money and tourism, it helps the fashion industry and it keeps the economy ticking over. It is a major benefit to the state of Victoria. Here is another piece of legislation from the Andrews Labor government that helps with the future use and management of one of our leading racecourses at Caulfield and also makes it part of not just racing but extends its realm into better public recreation, so this is clearly in the public interest.

The bill establishes a new independent management body with requisite functions, powers and duties to manage the reserve, and it provides modern governance arrangements for the new trust like that used at Kardinia Park in Geelong, on which the feedback so far has been that that has worked well. It provides a mechanism to redefine areas of the reserve that will be used for each of the purposes for which the land is permanently reserved. They are racing, recreation and public park purposes. This gives a broader usage for the area. It makes better use of the asset in the public interest.

I think this is a proposition that is clearly in the public interest and could not have come at a better time as we start to mark the major events and the impact that racing has for the economy, for the social fabric and for the cultural leadership that Melbourne and Victoria give to the nation. Broadening out the use of this great asset in the public interest is of major significance. With those comments, I commend the bill to the house.

Sitting suspended 1.00 p.m. until 2.02 p.m.

Debate adjourned on motion of Ms HALFPENNY (Thomastown).

Debate adjourned until later this day.