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Legislative Assembly
Broadmeadows electorate

20 September 2017
Constituency questions


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) — (13 091) My constituency question is to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. The waste fire at Coolaroo in July had a significant impact on the electorate of Broadmeadows and caused toxic smoke to spread to the city. Emergency services did an outstanding job bringing the fire under control, and I again thank them for their efforts. I was pleased that the minister quickly announced a joint taskforce to target key recycling sites to ensure community safety. I also welcome the Deputy Premier's announcement that the inspector-general for emergency management will conduct a review to ensure we know what did and did not work at Coolaroo and what improvements need to be implemented.

The minister recently announced an interim waste management policy, which will start immediately and remain in place for 12 months while work on a permanent solution to large-scale waste stockpiles is completed. Can the minister advise how this interim waste management policy will protect members of my community and provide Environment Protection Authority Victoria with additional powers to support our fire services?