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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

19 October 2017
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (11:45:54) — (13 336) In the 2017–18 Victorian state budget $10 million was allocated for early planning and works on the Shepparton bypass. Can the minister advise what stage VicRoads is at in ensuring that this funding is rolled out and the project is being given the attention and priority it warrants? This is a project —

The SPEAKER — Can I just interrupt? I ask the member which minister the question is directed to.

Ms SHEED — The question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety.

This is a project that has been a longstanding one in our community, and it is a substantial piece of funding that we achieved in the last budget. The community is very keen to see action in this space.