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Legislative Assembly

19 September 2017
Business of the house


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) — The Andrews Labor government's priority of keeping the community safe is highlighted in this government business program. I want to emphasise this point. The government is establishing a new statutory authority to keep watch over the state's most serious offenders. The authority will provide independent rigorous oversight of the post-sentence scheme, which provides for the detention or supervision of serious sex offenders who pose an unacceptable risk to the community after prison. The reform bill is part of the Labor government's response to the Harper review, including record investment of almost $400 million across the past two budgets. This goes to the key proposition that the Andrews Labor government is going to implement all 35 of the Harper review recommendations; they either have been delivered or are in the process of being implemented. This is an issue of critical importance that this government business program addresses.

It also encourages investment, employment and technology development in renewable energy, and I think that is another issue that will be of state significance and hotly contested and debated. There are also a range of other issues that we are addressing. In particular I want to highlight that these are the key propositions to keep building on the narrative that the Andrews government is delivering in the best interests of Victorians. We have been asked to be succinct in our contributions, so I recommend the government business program, and I do want to get to the debate on the motion about the broadcasting of the conduct of the house, because it should prove to be compulsive viewing.