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Legislative Assembly
Goulburn-Murray irrigation district

14 December 2017
Questions without notice and ministers statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (11:28:55) — My question is for the Minister for Water. The RMCG report finds $550 million each year is being lost in agricultural production in the Goulburn-Murray irrigation district, and that about 1000 jobs have been lost to the region so far as a direct result of reduced water availability under the Murray-Darling Basin plan. Farmers have been leaving the region in significant numbers since the water buybacks commenced a decade ago. This week dairy farmer and Australian Dairy Industry Council water task force chairman Daryl Hoey has spoken out again about the serious risk to dairy farmers in our region if more water is taken out of the consumptive pool. All signs indicate that the federal government is burying its head in the sand and is intent on rolling out the plan regardless of its impact on river communities. I ask the minister: what steps will the Victorian government take to protect access to water for our dairy industry and other food producers, who account for at least 25 per cent of the total value of Victoria's agricultural production?