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Legislative Assembly
Youth justice system

08 February 2017
Questions Without Notice and Ministers Statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — My question is for the Premier. In the two years that I have been in this place I have spoken on a number of occasions about the hard work of the Neighbourhood Schools project and the Lighthouse project in working with children and youth in the Shepparton district. The parole board noted in its latest report that of the 176 young people on sentence or remand in October 2015, 63 per cent were victims of abuse, trauma or neglect, 62 per cent had previously been suspended or expelled from school and 45 per cent had been previously involved with child protection. Welfare workers can often identify the youths who will be going into our youth detention centres. Building more prisons and reforming the bail laws are necessary in the short term, but everything points to early intervention as the way to emptying these detention centres. What is the government doing to ensure that early intervention programs are being introduced to stop the next cycle of young detainees?

Ms Allan interjected.

The SPEAKER — Order! The Leader of the House will come to order. The Premier to respond to the member for Shepparton, and the Premier will be heard in silence.