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Legislative Assembly
Goulburn Valley Health

21 June 2017
Questions Without Notice and Ministers Statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — My question is for the Minister for Health. Minister, can you tell me how many beds will be dedicated to the needs of children in the new paediatric ward designed as part of the redevelopment of Goulburn Valley Health? Constituents in my electorate are delighted by the redevelopment of Goulburn Valley Health announced in the last budget, but they are concerned that there is no clarity around the number of beds that will be provided for children.

Minister, you will be aware that I chair the Goulburn Valley Health community advisory committee. Even we do not know how many beds there will be; we have not been told. News reports are circulating about concern in relation to the number of beds for children. There is a very significant reduction in the number being touted at the moment. Minister, our community needs to know how many beds we will have. We need a decision on this issue, and we need it now as the design phase has passed.