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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

21 February 2017
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — (12 256) My question is for the Minister for Education. When can schools in my electorate expect infrastructure works to be undertaken to provide new buildings and upgrades to replace many old and decrepit buildings no longer suitable for the purpose? I visited five primary schools in my electorate last week; many are in serious need of attention from the government. I understand that historically schools in the Shepparton district electorate have been significantly underfunded for infrastructure spending. Many of our school communities have to raise thousands of dollars for their own needs, having been overlooked by successive governments. So many schools in my electorate are in need of infrastructure investment; schools such as Orrvale, Zeerust and Bourchier Street are just a few in my electorate that need new buildings. They often battle on, teaching in poor-quality facilities. Our students must be our priority, and to achieve good educational outcomes there should be investment in suitable buildings in many of the schools in my electorate.