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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton rail services

11 May 2017
Questions Without Notice and Ministers Statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — My question is for the Minister for Public Transport. Minister, I am delighted, as is the Shepparton district community, that the government has announced investment of $43.5 million in passenger rail services for Shepparton. I have advocated long and hard for this, as has my community and the All Aboard campaign. On 28 May 2015 a large group of Shepparton district residents travelled to Melbourne — many in their pyjamas — to the steps of Parliament House to impress on the government the lack of services available to them and the need for more, better and faster services. But we have waited for so long and we do not want to wait any longer. My question for you today is whether you can take steps to bring forward the works that are so urgently needed in this current budget year.