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Legislative Assembly
Murray-Darling Basin agreement

22 November 2016
Questions Without Notice and Ministers Statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — My question is for the Minister for Water. As chair of the Goulburn-Murray irrigation district (GMID) leadership forum, I am only too aware of the concern in my community and other Murray River communities about the impacts of the Murray-Darling Basin plan. Recent socio-economic impact statements, including the one independently commissioned by my group, have shown the devastating effects of the plan to date and that which may continue if it goes through to full implementation. Already $550 million worth of production has been lost each year to the GMID since the plan commenced. We must have some adjustment to the plan. Following the tumultuous ministerial council meeting last week, can the minister advise as to the current state of Victorian government policy relating to the 450 gigalitres of upwater?