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Legislative Assembly
Committee for Greater Shepparton

14 September 2016
Members statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — I rise to commend and congratulate Mr David McKenzie for the work he has done as the chair of the Committee for Greater Shepparton. Mr McKenzie announced that he would be stepping down as the committee chair in late August after being involved in setting up the organisation four years ago. Since that time the group has excelled in ensuring the Shepparton district pushes forward. The Committee for Greater Shepparton has a membership base of more than 80 members, and it is climbing. Through the collaborative work it undertakes with other community leaders there have been significant achievements.

The city skyline is busy with cranes and equipment at the new Shepparton courthouse, while we are well on the way to the design of our new art gallery and museum. We will have another daily train service added to our schedule as of January 2017, and we are making headway with strong lobbying to achieve the construction of the early stages of the Shepparton bypass. And we cannot forget the committee's work in assisting to achieve the $169 million in this year's state budget for the redevelopment of Goulburn Valley Health, which will be a major asset for our whole region. Together we are putting the Shepparton district on the map for all the right reasons.

I wish David well in his new position as chair of the new Goulburn Regional Partnership and the statewide Regional Development Advisory Committee, where he continues to represent our region as well as taking his knowledge and experience to the wider Victorian community. I also commend and wish Rob Priestly all the best as he steps up to take over as chair of the Committee for Greater Shepparton supported in his role by CEO Sam Birrell.