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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

10 November 2016
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — (11 992) My constituency question is for the Minister for Public Transport. The question I ask of the minister is: on what train services on the V/Line Shepparton–Melbourne line during the last six months was there a failure to provide the usual buffet car amenity, and what steps are being taken to address the situation? The Shepparton railway station has no cafe, not even a coffee machine, and there are no facilities near the station where people can purchase hot food and drinks. Many of the travellers who take the 6.30 a.m. train have travelled for hours by bus from Griffith and look forward to purchasing food and drinks for their breakfast in the buffet car, as do the local travellers. When I recently travelled on that service an announcement was made immediately before the train's departure that there would be no buffet offered. One of my constituents referred to three such occasions when she had recently travelled, the excuse on the first occasion being lack of stock and on the two other occasions not enough staff. My constituents have much to put up with on the Shepparton line. Surely they can expect basic buffet facilities.