Hansard debates
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Northern Metropolitan Region
07 June 2018
Constituency questions
Dr RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan) (12:52:21) — My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Another day, another sale of open space by this government. Moreland City Council has recently been advised by VicRoads of its plan to sell parcels of land at 1–17 Leonard Street and 154 and 156 McBryde Street, Fawkner. These are precious areas of open space adjoining the Merri Creek that the local council and residents have been maintaining and caretaking for years, not to mention it being home to biodiversity and wildlife. Plan Melbourne explicitly states:
There is a critical need to maintain and improve the overall extent and condition of natural habitats, including waterways.
My question is: what will the government do to protect this precious piece of open space, to keep it in public ownership and protect biodiversity?